Fall down a photo rabbit hole with Collection Appareils
By popphoto.com, 2014
Collection Appareils: A Comprehensive Online Archive of 10,000+ Beautiful and Odd Vintage Cameras
by petapixel.com, 2014
Denne nettsiden inneholder informasjon om over 10 000 gamle kameraer
by akam.no, 2014
An Online Vault of the most Awesome Cameras Ever Made
By MessyNessy, 2014
“Collection Appareils” is a love letter and reference guide for beautiful old cameras analog vintage,
by www.imaging-resource.com, 2014
Le site collection-appareils.fr fait référence sur la toile lorsque l`on aborde le thème des appareils photo anciens.
by http://www.reportagesphotos.fr, 2010
La caverne d’Ali Baba photographe
by http://www.photofloue.net, 2009

In these pages we display the tangible evidence of an insidious disease which have been affecting hundreds of people for many years. During the week, they behave just like anyone, working, studying or peacefully enjoying their retirement. Yet, a knowledgeable observer would be able to detect though how the words "box" or "folding camera" could instantly light up a special gleam in their eyes…
But are they Dr. Jekyll’s and Mr. Hyde’s reincarnations to be in such a way transfigured come Sunday morning? Put down the mask… They can actually be seen strolling down the flea markets and the yard sales in the wee hours, heads down, snooping around with sparkling eyes, in an unrelenting quest through cardboard boxes (especially the yellow ones). A camera would make them shaking, a glass plate or Daguerreotype would put them on the edge of madness, and yet, they remain straight faced, impassively earing the "It still works you know...", the “This is uncle Albert's!" or the “This is real old”, because now it is time; time to make a deal and time to convey that beautiful does not necessarily means expensive. In short, meet a real pro camera collector at work!
I must confess: Since 1992, I have been a Sunday morning sinner. On many Sundays, I have even been a multiple offender. It is always when comes Sunday morning that it feels best, in the middle of the early morning crowd. Although, I am so affected that sometimes, even in the middle of the week, I have to indulge in my vice and visit specialized dealers. These fruits of sin have increased in number, a bit more every year. Among them, the most beautiful ones are not necessarily those dearest to my heart; actually, quite the contrary.